Rhonda Pearcy: Serving Food & Comfort

We are proud to share that Rhonda was recently featured on the cover of Black Hills Lifestyle Magazine!

“Rhonda Pearcy has happy memories of visits to her grandparents’ home and meals in their kitchen. That same warm welcome and good food is now what Rhonda offers anyone who visits Fork Real Cafe. “My grandmother was a home cook. I would raid her fridge and she thought that was great. (Repurposed) butter containers galore, and it was like a guessing game to find out what was inside,” she said, chuckling. “My Granny cooked because she loved us, and that’s the real reason why she cooked all of the time. That part, I think, I hold fast.” Rhonda taps into those memories, plus knowledge and experience from every phase of her life, to run Fork Real Cafe.”

You can view the magazine digitally by clicking the button below.