Fork Real Community Café welcomes a 15-year old guest chef into their kitchen

The Fork Real Community Café is a nonprofit designed to help those struggling get a free meal. In the spirit of giving back, Fork Real has granted a local teen a birthday wish, allowing her to come in and be a guest chef and prepare a meal for her family and friends.

Ella Swanson is a freshman at Stevens High School and has had a passion for cooking since she was four years old when she made cupcakes for her birthday party. And now, 11 years later, Ella is still cooking things up for her birthday.

Rhonda Pearcy, Director of Fork Real Community Café, said, “Ella loves cooking. She cooks at school she is taking some courses with that. I’m a former teacher and so I continue to love to teach cooking and so I love it when someone loves to learn about cooking. And so Ella loves learning and she knows so much already and so she is just gonna be amazing.”